More guides, handbooks & lists: 1959-2013

Birders rely on guides, handbooks, and lists to locate birds and then keep track of the birds they have observed. So these documents provide a record of a bird species’ existence.

In this post, I note a dozen lesser-known guides, handbooks, and lists that include the California condor. Among these are 2 journal articles, 10 books, and 2 different editions of the same author’s work. One of the books is organized around locales rather than species.

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Reviews of Carl Koford’s 1953 report

In 1953, the National Audubon Society published its Research Report No. 4. Titled The California Condor and written by Carl B. Koford, this book was the 1st detailed scientific study of Gymnogyps californianus.

This post is not about the contents of Koford’s report. Rather, I provide selections from published reviews of the report. These reviews make plain the significance of Koford’s research and provide a sense of how experts responded to Koford’s findings.

In between the reviews I show some photographs and diagrams from the report (note the shadows!).

Continue reading “Reviews of Carl Koford’s 1953 report”